Dies sind die Kurse von medmissio, ab 2024

The present distance learning module is called “Initial Management of a new suspected HCID Case in a peripheral district hospital”.

This learning module consists of an online self-learning part (this one) and a webinar, which is based on the content of this online learning part and the following learning objectives should be met:

After working through this first distance learning module you should be able to:

  1. detect and classify a suspected HCID case based on clinical and epidemiological parameters of case definitions
  2. recognise and assess the actual risk for those involved
  3. identify the initial isolation/barrier nursing measures
  4. further assess clinical requirements including diagnostics and treatment
  5. advise on the implementation and adaptation of initial hygiene measures in different situations
  6. manage infectious biospecimens
  7. initiate first essential public health activities for outbreak response
  8. know and initiate safe transport and transfer of HCID cases to appropriate institutions

This is the one health course of Laura Liebau, medmissio - Würzburg

eLearning Kurs von Kristina Schottmayer, medmissio.